Brew a Lager

There are a couple of key differences between ales and lager beer. The first difference we will mention is the yeast. The first step of making a lager is choosing a lager yeast. Lager yeast ferments at a lower temperature than a ale yeast. This prevents the formation of off flavors and aromas. The next important factor is temperature. If a lager yeast is not fermented at the proper temperature the yest will produce produce more of the uncharacteristic fruity esters, that will not be appropriate for the style of beer, which is a smooth and clean taste. Many beginning brewers will think they have ruined a batch of lager because of the sulfur smell that occurs during the primary fermentation. Be patient thought as this is normal and one of the reasons that producing a good lager takes time. During the lagering process the yeast will process these compounds and create a clean crisp beer. Here are some quick tips on helping to ensure your lager brewing will be successful.

  • Choose a quality yeast
  • Rack after primary to reduce that chance of off flavors due to autolysis
  • Maintain the proper temperature during fermentation and lagering
  • Maybe more important than ever is cleaning your brewing equipment thoughly